How to use and Grow with Pinterest - A fastest growing Social Networking Site

We all use Facebook & Instagram a lot to stay in touch with friends and relatives. We all love to share photos, status updates, check-ins, etc on Facebook and Instagram, Now a days my lady friends and relatives kept jumping onto Pinterest to share their likes and interests. Pinterest has became a platform for everyone to show and learn about hobbies like cooking, photography, gardening, Art and craft, DIYs, Pets, Celebration, and the list is endless. We can not only share things, but can spend LOTS of time "pinning" and viewing "boards". With 250 million monthly users, Pinterest and TikTok are one of the leading visual content sharing social media platform and growing exponentially. A study has also shown that 70% of Pinterest users spend around 14 minutes performing actions like constant pinning and clicking-through. Learn More What is Pinterest and how does it work? Pinterest is a visual social network site that allows users to visua...